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Chuck Inglefield | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 15-Jun-2007 08:08
For some reason, your pictures really cheered me up.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 15:03
Your photos have kept me glued to the computer screen for hours.
angelique raptakis15-Feb-2007 08:03
it seems i'm stumbling upon the greatest artists on pbase just as their leaving. from the 8 images available, i really enjoy your style of photography. each image has a great sense of space and carries its own energy. i would love to see the treasures hidden away in your archive. ~angelique
LM Gildersleeve14-Feb-2007 20:19
After viewing the gallery of your most proudest images I'm sad to see your other galleries are locked. I enjoyed what I did see and I think you have a real talent.

Jitka 06-Dec-2006 14:21
Very nice photos from Italy!!

my web:
Arthur 22-Nov-2006 16:11
Keep up the good work
grasshopper 20-Sep-2006 23:20
After seeing your photos I wondered why you took Bryan Peterson's class "Understanding Exposure" course which is a basic course when you are obviously a master already! Wonderful photos!!!!
qxlrhpufd hkoat 16-Sep-2006 12:00
uahcn qhuspzn yrdslo mysa drvtmbs faoe gxwn
Chris Sofopoulos03-Sep-2006 08:37
My compliments for your great and talented works!
I put you in my favourite list so I can watch your images more often.
Keep up this inspirational work.
Rene Hales30-Aug-2006 13:47
Love your new title for you PaD gallery, "PAD and the Danger of Taking Yourself too Seriously", and your approach. I recently dropped out of the PaD scene as it seemed to have gotten a bit restrictive and was creating so many forum comments about how to Pad and how to NOT PaD. So glad you threw out the rules too. You have inspired me to PERHAPS jump back into the fray. Love the new daily work too. Thanks for your thoughtful approach.--Rene
Doug Kessler20-Aug-2006 17:37
Thanks for your generous comments on some of my PaDs. I am very impressed with your new approach to this.
Your work inspires me.
Sascha Gast14-Aug-2006 17:09
I truly enjoy your work, but mostly I liked your PAD approach. I am too new to photography to do similar, but something to aspire to, so thanx for that
jaac08-Aug-2006 23:58
Chuck, excellent galleries, i'll pop back soon
to have a longer browse around :-)
david procter25-Jul-2006 05:39
Dear Chuck,
Your approach to photography is SPOT ON and awe inspiring!
added to favourites.
Guest 25-Jul-2006 04:44
Your work is excellent in both visual aspects and thought provoking aspects , LOVE your work a lot, sure will keep checking them. Put you on my favourite list already. Thanks for sharing your masterpieces.

Emi :)
Sandra 10-Jul-2006 10:51
Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
Brad Kugler 31-May-2006 01:59
I love your work. I was curious to know if you set up the shots, such as in 'Missing' on your 100 Photo Project, or you just find the shot as is? Additionally, to get the deepness of the color and somberness, what technique do you use post processing? Are your shots digital or film?

I would be greatful for any answers you car to share.
geordi swick 27-May-2006 06:29
Hi Chuck I was just viewing your work at puck farms with artist tomi swick, terrific stuff you absolutly captured the rawness of puck's studio and of tomi. I have seen every photo of tomi probably ever taken but none can compare to yours, they are an honest glimpse of tomi and the tomi experience.

thanks geordi swick (big brother)
Guest 18-May-2006 23:29
Hallo Chuck..I'd like to begin by thanking you for stoping by and commenting on my work..Your galleries are a true inspiration..Thank you very much for sharing..
Best regards
Guest 04-May-2006 06:03
Very impressive.
A great discovery.
Bravo et Merci
Guest 06-Apr-2006 00:11
inspiring photography. keep up the good work!
Guest 18-Mar-2006 11:48
Just drop by to say love your work. Cheers.
wert 10-Feb-2006 09:32
well done!
Guest 17-Dec-2005 09:42
Chuck, first of all - thanks for the comments on my site recently. As for your photos, I am speechless. Truely wonderful work. An inspiration. AM bookmarking your site and will be checking back regularly.
Guest 15-Dec-2005 13:24
Thanks for your recent comments.
Your galleries are wonderful and inspirational, will keep coming back.
Best wishes
Tracy 06-Dec-2005 02:53
wow!!! aren't you amazingly talented..

your photos are incredible...fierce
Tracy...Dj at large in Atlanta
Bart Boodts Photography09-Nov-2005 07:53
First thanks for visiting my galleries and the comments. I put you into my favorites, because I love your pictures. You bring the right athmosphere into the right pictures, with the right point of view. You're eye is really in your camera. Keep on doing the good work, so we can enjoy your galleries... Greets.
Audrey 21-Oct-2005 04:24
I keep up with your pictures even though I'm not at the office anymore. I LOOOOOOOVE October 7th's photo-of-the-day picture. I wonder where she got those shoes. MUST HAVE THEM.

Keep it up!
Vixi 15-Oct-2005 14:38
Wat een prachtige vernieuwde website. Heldere opzet en ook een goede kleurstelling. Mooi.
Mijn complimenten!

Met vriendelijke groeten
Joseph Brennskag27-Sep-2005 22:40
Hey Chuck...started looking at your galleries after you posted a comment on one of my images. First started looking at Sep 05 which has some seriously good images in it, then clicked on April 05 and wow...what a great sense of humor dude! Thanks for your comments and I'll be checking more of your galleries out. Joe.
Mark Schretlen05-Sep-2005 18:19
Thank you for visiting and contributing thoughtful comments on my images. I welcome such feedback particularly from someone who possesses a skilled and masterful eye. Your comments have led me to your wonderful galleries and I am looking forward to exploring your galleries more thoroughly.

-- Mark --
Guest 28-Aug-2005 00:56
Great work!!! I enjoyed viewing your galleries. Thanks for sharing.
Stan Richard18-Aug-2005 16:58
Chuck, thank you for the nice comments on my Shadow Mountain image, it is much appreciated. Cheers! Stan
Guest 28-Jul-2005 02:21
Thanks for checking out my recent PaD photos. I've been over your pages a lot and feel like I've learned a lot from what you do. Have a groovy day.
WT Pfefferle
Marek Kacprzak16-Jul-2005 16:53
Chuck, thanks for the comments... wasn't sure whether the dog was gonna come out OK till I got home (histograms only tell you so much). this one is probably best viewed in "original" size if bandwith / monitor allow.

and kudos on your work - just realized you were already bookmarked in my list of "favorites". great shots... beginners like myself can pick up quite a bit just by looking at your work.

- Marek
Guest 07-Jul-2005 08:40

I just visited your galleries and they are really great
keep up the good work

greetings from Belgium,
Guest 29-Apr-2005 17:23
I just looked through your PAD and was impressed on how diverse all your shots were. They definitely took some brain power to hatch up and execute. I commend your progress so far and have no doubt to see it continue and show me more surprising images. Well done and keep on klickā€™n. - Clint
Rich Adams29-Apr-2005 13:09
I'm blown away by your galleries. You have such artistic expression in your shots and obvious consideration and emphasis to achieve your creative vision. I've been inspired by many of your images to go out any really try to look at things in a different way. I've added you to my favorite artists page, and I will continue to check back to see what you're up to. Thanks for checking in and commenting on my images!!
Cheers! -- Rich
Guest 22-Apr-2005 20:37
Thanks for leaving a comment on my PaD today. Funny you should stop by because I was just looking at your galleries yesterday. You've got some really great stuff here. I love the composition, color, & perspective in "The Game Players". And, I especially appreciated the Understanding Exposure gallery and seeing Bryan Peterson's comments on your photos. Nice work!
Doug Phan 27-Feb-2005 22:36
A wonderful collection, Chuck.
Love your Paris album. Brought back to me its flavors quite well.. Cracked up !! :-) from some of your photos and comments. Oui, oui, c'est la chienne francaise , haha!
Thanks for sharing.
Viewer from San Jose, Calif
Didier Vanderperre29-Aug-2004 02:54
I am surprised to be the first one to leave a comment.
Excellent Paris gallery, you certainly captured the spirit of Paris very well.
I like your composition very much.