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Dale John Larsen | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Dale John Larsen29-Jun-2013 19:03
That's fine Nancy. Feel free to use the photo.
Dale John Larsen06-Dec-2009 18:13
I'm glad your mother enjoyed the photos. Yes the statue of Paul Bunyan still stands in Bemidji. In fact he and "Babe the Blue Ox" just received some restoration.
Pat Peters 04-Dec-2009 21:22
Loved your pictures. My mom grew up on a farm in northern Minnesota. Sheis now 85 and bed-ridden, but she can see the computer from her bed. She loved especially of the farm and those taken at Itaska State Park. My sister and I walked those very same rocks across the Mississippi. Is the statue of Paul Bunyon still there. Thanks for bringing some well-deserved joy to my mom.
Kevin Larsen 13-Jan-2009 23:45
Really enjoy browsing all the pictures. The old family pictures are wonderful. Thanks for posting them.
Justin Larsen 12-Jan-2008 22:37
I enjoyed the pictures a great deal! They have once again reminded that there is much more to the world than the comforts of my home and I need to get out and experience as much as possible.
Dave Berry02-Jan-2008 07:35
Dale - thanks for the nice comments on my Vietnam gallery. I enjoyed seeing yours also. I loved the photos of the family farm. I'm greally glad you didn't buy it. Good luck on your trip. Please give my best regards to your brother the medic.
Dave Berry
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik12-Jun-2007 05:22
Hi Dale, Thanks for your kind comment! Really enjoyed your old family pics - quite an interesting history! L&S
Federico D'IncĂ 13-Feb-2007 06:25
Dale, what a great collection of photos...i esp. love your Vietnam ones and the Vietnam War ones ...i presume you served ? tks for sharing your photos
Karthik Raja22-Jan-2007 20:16

My wife and I plan to visit Turkey in March this year. i am in Chicago. We are wondering if 2 full days in Turkey would be enough to see most of the tourist places. We will be landing in Istanbul. If not, how much is there to see and how many days do you think we would need?
I have about 6-7 days off so my initial plan to spend 2 days in turkey and 4 days in Italy.

Thanks for all your help