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Danad's Recent Galleries

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14-Mar-2025 15:57
My Lady of the Lake.
My Lady of the Lake.
13-Mar-2025 16:01
13-Feb-2025 16:46
L'appel des Lointains.
L'appel des Lointains.
04-Jan-2025 15:49
North Brittany : Moods and Lights.
North Brittany : Moods and Lights.
01-Jan-2025 15:54
The Beauty of Lines and Signs.
The Beauty of Lines and Signs.
24-Dec-2024 14:40
A Christmas Gallery.
A Christmas Gallery.
08-Sep-2024 15:12
Reasons to Still Love France ?
Reasons to Still Love France ?
31-Aug-2024 14:47
Terres d'Ocres.
Terres d'Ocres.
10-Apr-2024 07:48
A la Mer. Impressions.
A la Mer. Impressions.
20-Mar-2024 05:44
Songe d'Automne.
Songe d'Automne.
30-Oct-2023 10:56
Chroniques Bretonnes.
Chroniques Bretonnes.
17-Oct-2023 13:41
Sud Bretagne.
Sud Bretagne.