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Zane Paxton | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 23-Jan-2013 22:13
I have enjoyed browsing through your galleries. Beautiful photo's and thay have been a great help in planning my trip to south west USA later this year.
in2futurechange 25-Nov-2012 17:59
What an outstanding collection Zane. You have an incredible eye, and it is such a pleasure viewing these wonderful pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us. Valerie
Alma Jean Wittpenn 05-Apr-2011 23:22
I would like to say as an 80 year old lady from West Va., that the pictures are just wonderful. if I could afford it I would buy one of the bridge, it is so wonderful. I recently moved to Scotts Valley after my husbands passing so I could be near my children. In past years when my husband and I visited out here we always depended on our children to show us around this beautiful area. The Big Sur area was a favorite place to visit. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photography .
Guest 12-Oct-2009 19:01
beautyfull work!! bravo!! and thank's!! alain :)
Jaime Coffman 25-Aug-2009 15:54
I happened onto your galleries when reviewing photos of Buckskin Gulch. Beautiful work. I am heading out to the Southwest next month and the red rock is calling! Thank you for sharing. I will return.
Fred Parsons12-Jun-2009 06:23
I wanted to quickly look at your mono lake images after leaving the Bodie images tonight. Mistake, as I went to the "all galleries" page to find them, and saw the body of your work laid out there (had been there some time before but forgot some how) Made me realize that the continuum line of learning for me had just been stretched out about another 5000 miles based on the quality and expertise of your efforts. Must realize that at 75 I will never catch up and can only hope to improve slightly by close study of your images in the time I have left. Thanks Zane, Fred
Guest 24-May-2009 10:26
Many thanks for your visit, really appreciated. I'm blown away by the sheer quality and scale of your work, it will take me many visits to explore your galleries properly...
$ir_Room 31-Mar-2009 12:50
Ha I see in the Marin Headlands pics, bunker #9 graffitti I did in 83
Hawk 05-Feb-2009 06:00
Totally remarkable work. I live on Pfeiffer Beach and along with your crystaline stunning captures of so much of northern California and parts south, it's a beautiful photograph. I know you don't get deserts at first light or fog lifting off the redwoods or the last minute of Davenport's twilight unless you're sitting there waiting for it. Thank you thank you thank you.
Marcia Rules26-Oct-2008 22:46
Fantastic work! I will be back to view more of your galleries! Superb & captivating, you present a great eye! marcia
Milos Markovic11-Sep-2008 10:02
You are a true artist, Zane.
I am glad to discover your galleries and will come back with pleasure to enjoy the view of the word through your eyes.
Best regards,
Guest 01-May-2008 00:06
Zane, you have some incredible photography!! I have much to learn! I am "ront" from over on the dpReview forums who you mad some comments on one of my pictures here,
I appreciated the comments a lot.

Thanks, Ron
Claude Martin09-Jan-2008 22:01
You have so many wonderful photos in your galleries it will take a lot of time to see all of them. I'm really happy that you left a comment by your visit, it leads me to your beautiful work and challenges for a big improve.

Thomas07-Jan-2008 23:28
your galleries are really stunning and inspiring! without your comment i'm not sure if i had discovered you. thanks for sharing, thomas
Mark Krauss02-Jan-2008 01:26
You've done a great job, Zane, especially in compiling the "Best Of" galleries. It's always a pelasure to view your work. All the best in the coming year.
Guest 16-Nov-2007 07:57
Just had a brief look at some of your galleries after stumbling across them. So may excellent shots, thanks for posting them. Will be back to slowly take them in. Cheers
Rob M05-Oct-2007 06:44
Awesome gallery Zane. Thank you so much for sharing. I'll be back often
Guest 08-Aug-2007 21:05
This is a beautiful gallery Zane
Guest 20-Jun-2007 18:07
Lovely work. Share more please.
pepe_carmona200020-May-2007 00:01
me ha gustado bastante tu trabajo felicidades desde hoy entras a formar parte de mis favoritos un saludo
tomr-photos30-Apr-2007 00:33
Hello Mr. Paxton. Thank you for visiting and commenting. :)
Guest 04-Apr-2007 11:17
Dear Zane,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Greetings from Monenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
Guest 08-Mar-2007 09:07
One of the best galleries on pbase thus far.
Haydn 22-Nov-2006 10:43
Guest 21-Nov-2006 19:50
Hey Zane, thanks for commenting on my pBase gallerie, wen't through yours and really REALLY enjoyed watching. Hope to visit the Galapagos some day.

Gonna visit again sometime soon too much to see in on time.

Jeroen Visser
Guest 24-Sep-2006 18:34
Hi Zane... Thank you for the comment on my VietNam Memorial photograph "Like Father, Like Son" -- coming from you, that's a great compliment. You know I'm a fan of your work. -- Jack
Guest 23-Sep-2006 08:35
i enjoyed looking through your galleries. i love your pictures of the big sur. im living in Santa Barbara right now, and unforunately don't have a car, but i hope to travel along the coast eventually. good luck in your many adventures and thank you for the inspiration.
Martin Brettle17-Jul-2006 12:22
Hi Zane,
As a fellow travel photographer, thanks for the inspiration and encouragement. Long may both continue. Take care and keep in touch.
Matthew 12-Jul-2006 09:23
Looking for information and found it at this great site...
Guest 05-Jul-2006 15:31
Very good shots !
Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos !

Best regards
Guest 03-Jul-2006 20:34
hello zane, love your images! it's nice to see that you also document the place of each shot, for memory sake and for others who'd like to see that place. keep on taking beautiful shots!
John Mann 25-Jun-2006 03:12
Great photo's. Thanks for sharing. I too am getting back into my high school hobby passion, now some 20 years later. Like you framing too. Let me know what you use to frame your pic's. Thanks
Klaus Kraiger24-Jun-2006 06:18
hi zane,
thank you for your comment to claudia...
and through that i came to your portfolio... a rich amount of well made pictures and of inspiration.
i like your point of view and the feeling in the pictures.
greetings from austria!
John Amato24-Jun-2006 04:01
Beautiful galleries! I am homesick now. I was raised in Salinas, which isn't so great but the surrounding area is and you have captured this in perfect form. Thank you. Seven more months in China and I look forward to returning to the beautiful US and West coast.
Guest 12-Jun-2006 18:23
Wow, what great pictures. I was just messing around on the computer and googled my own name, came across your site. You do beautiful work! Just had to comment.

Linda Paxton
Guest 10-Jun-2006 09:52
Thank you for your nice comment.
And letting me enjoy your work.
Joy 23-May-2006 15:32
Incredible.. Ken
Guest 14-May-2006 22:23
You're a true artists. I really enjoyed looking through your work. It has given me something to aspire to. Thanks fo taking a look at my gallery,

Guest 09-May-2006 21:14
brilliant work, and superb gallery!
thanks for sharing,
Chuck Kuhn06-May-2006 21:10
Your arrangement, frames and info within frame just adds to your terrific photos. Care to share what software or program you use for Framing? Thanks 19-Apr-2006 09:12
Fabulous site.
Anton 31-Mar-2006 17:38
I want mp3 player. What will advise?
Guest 30-Mar-2006 05:25
I dont understand how you can take such a variety of pictures and still have them look so great.
Guest 26-Mar-2006 14:01
you have great talent, many excellant photographs, well done!
Pablo Yáñez21-Mar-2006 19:31
It seems like we have been to many of the same places. I must say that I found your galleries to be very dissapointing. Dissapointing for my own photography that is --must keep practicing...

Pablo Yáñez20-Mar-2006 20:33
It seems like we have been to many of the same places. I must say that I found your galleries to be very dissapointing. Dissapointing for my own photography that is --must keep practicing...

marcie 14-Mar-2006 01:33
do you sell copies of "the secret cave" photo? the one just north of davenport.
Jack D Ward 18-Feb-2006 23:05
My, my what interesting things one sees on this internet machine. . .
Guest 17-Feb-2006 01:20
I like your travel pictures, especially the Yucatan gallery. I will be travelling down there in a couple of weeks and its nice to see the attractions.
Guest 11-Feb-2006 18:10
Thank you for commenting my frosen avenue pic. I really like your photos, great and professional style! Take care /Anders
Mansour Mouasher12-Jan-2006 18:24
State of the art photography as usual. One of a kind!
Günter Borgemeister30-Dec-2005 06:37
Thanks for your kind comments o my galleries, Zane.
Best wishes for you and a very happy new year!
Guest 17-Dec-2005 23:53
Great photos and Galleries..
Guest 07-Sep-2005 14:44
Hi Zane -
Got your comment on my Lake Louise sunrise picture. Yeah - Dynamic range is impossible there in one single shot and lanscape too irregular for neutral grad filters. I plan on trying the Photoshop HDR(?) or Dr Brown's photomerge for combining the bracketed images I took. I did like the D2X during the trip. The only thing that has me second guessing the Nikon route is that long thread in dpreview on D2X pushing lenses to their limit - I generally like macro and now more and more landscape - seems to me I need the small apertures for both. Also - Do you have any sharpening tips for D2X files? I am glad to see adobe and nikon making up - I really like Nikon Capture - but it is so slow - i have trouble getting work done quickly enough. One bad thing happened on the trip - my carbon fiber manfrotto tripod (with RRS arca swiss clamp for my L-bracket) was stolen - I had left it on a roadside (after stopping for a Moonset picture) - searched for 2 hours - was GONE!! Now am looking at the gitzo 1348 maybe. Anyway if work slows done and kids settle into school I can return to my Banff raw files.......Ann
Guest 22-Aug-2005 20:20
Hi Zane,
I enjoyed so much travelling through your galleries! I'll come back for more
Best regards,
Phil Dentten01-Aug-2005 13:09
You have some wonderful landscapes in your country, Zane. However, it takes a special kind of ability to produce photographs of it like those I have seen in these galleries, and you clearly have this ability in spades! Thanks for sharing and for inspiring me.
Guest 31-Jul-2005 03:33
i have just spent hours feasting on the colors of your life. it was breathtaking, a wonderful escape to many corners of the earth. huge smiles, pangs of beauty, i relished every minute. i see with your eye, the beauty in the smallest and grandest, i completely enjoyed my visit thru you eyes. heavy sigh says it all... thank you for sharing.
Guest 22-Jul-2005 18:46
I'ts been some time since I visited your galleries, and always I am amzed by the beauty you achieve in your photos.

Please, keep posting. eHC
Guest 22-Jul-2005 04:07
Zane - I keep coming back to your landscape shots. Really beautiful. I am going to Banff in august for 9 days vacation/photography. I am just starting to experiment with graduated neutral density filters - do you use those in your work - or mostly screw in type circular polarizers?
Guest 20-Jul-2005 07:45
You have some superb collections and you are in to my favorite artists for further views. Thanks for sharing.

Suzette 10-Jul-2005 14:41
Hi Zane..I´m from Brazil and i meat your photos. Congratulations! Very nice and beatiful pics.
Guest 09-Jul-2005 18:03
Looking at your gallery is almost as good as going on vacation. As an Oregonian who has been living in Tennessee for nearly a decade, I really appreciate your pictures of the Gorge.
Guest 06-Jul-2005 07:14
Hi Zane,
Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment in my “Tree Erotics” gallery. Your work is inspirational. I especially like photos of yours that feature textures, be they at the scale of entire landscapes or details. You have a great eye for balance, composition, and especially lighting. Björn
Guest 04-Jul-2005 17:07
Zane - Thanks for the comment on my mermaid picture. Your 'Favorites' gallery blew me away! - Amazing images. Adding you to my 'Favorites". Btw - my brother's company designed and installed the "jam" exhibit at the EMP museum in Seatle. Ann
Guest 01-Jul-2005 20:35
I just viewed your Sonoma gallery - inspired images. I am new to PBase and am really enjoying the benefits of this site. I will keep a look out for new work from you. Cheers!
Guest 30-Jun-2005 11:35
Wow, you've got some great photo galleries
keep up the good work
Guest 19-Jun-2005 01:15
Zane, thanks a lot for commenting on my pictures. I really appreciate it. I wish some day I have a gallery worth a 100th of yours. Really nice job.

Thanks a lot,
Ed Koschka, Indianapolis 18-Jun-2005 23:10

Beautiful photographs... I ran across your gallery while researching a series of pictures that we took on a road trip through northern california. You had exactly the same green steel doors in your columbia california gallery.

We first saw them on a wells fargo national building just outside yosimite national park, saw some more in about 15 miles down the road. Saw the same steel doors on the ghost town in shasta. My theory is that these were wells fargo doors that were used to protect the contents inside from the people outside. My friend states that steel doors would have been too expensive back then.

I am still researching something that probably is pretty common place to everyone else but it really intrigued me.

Do you have any insights into the green steel doors you photographed in columbia. I saw the same shade of green steel doors all over the northern part of california and so far my research has not taken me far. I have seen them on wells fargo buildings as well as bakeries.

Anyway... Beautiful pictures... any insigths on the doors would be appreciated!
Guest 10-Jun-2005 11:24
Zane, thanks for stopping by and commenting on my picture. I've just briefly browsed your galleries - I will be back again - and I must say you have one of the most stunning collection of images I've seen so far! Great work!
Best regards,
Cedric Sims08-Jun-2005 04:07
Hi Zane,

Nice variety of photos you have throughout your galleries.

Guest 08-Jun-2005 03:37
Hi Zane,

Ur nature photos are great, both colors and composition! And u experimental gallery on symmetry is impressive too! Will come back!
Della Huff11-May-2005 16:35
Hi Zane,

You've been on my favorites for a long time and I keep coming back. I love your work - you capture light so well and your work as a whole conveys a real sense of time and peace which I love. Thanks for sharing - I'll be back!

Della Huff
Guest 04-May-2005 13:50

I've looked at your images many times. You are good. Thanks for you contribution to the forums.

Jon Sullivan.....a fellow S2 user
Cristine Varney25-Apr-2005 22:45
You have a wonderful eye and abilities that match. Your galleries
are a deep, rich pleasure to prowl.
Allmybest, cristine
Thasanay Ch. 22-Apr-2005 00:54
I have never seen any photographs that wow me like you have here ever yet! I love them all.
Really appreciated and enjoyed your show.
Thasanay Ch.
Guest 14-Apr-2005 07:14

Thank you for your kind comments in my galleries. I read your bio and I am glad you came back to photography. I have voted for your galleries before and probably will do so for your future ones! Take care.

Sam Antonio
Guest 11-Mar-2005 04:47
Splendid work. Chapeux bas. /jsw
Peter Chou03-Feb-2005 09:54
Fantastic landscape work! Really great! Do take a look at my gallery and I appreciate your advice and comments.
Yves Pinsonneault. Photographe23-Jan-2005 13:18
Several awesome galleries and images.

I am looking to get a used Fuji S2 to complement my DSLR's. Of course, without the skills, your camera wouldn't make the pictures shine like you did.

Congrad on some of the greatest images on PBASE.
Guest 14-Jan-2005 17:55
Thanks forvisited my galleries.
Derek von Briesen16-Dec-2004 19:42
did you notice the tiny bit of fill flash in the foreground?! this shot is really cool 'cause it's a quick 15 mins from the house and the setup (sunset clouds, calm winds) is pretty easy to predict. i find myself back there again & again.
Craig Sadler05-Dec-2004 01:38
Hi ya Zane

man..You have so many good shots I can't begin to pick favorites. Very inspiring. thanks for you very kind words at my gallery. take care and keep on shooting:-)

Wolfgang29-Nov-2004 19:21
thank you for stopping by my gallery and leaving the kind words. I like your photos too!
Anne Young18-Nov-2004 01:09
Zane, Thank you so much for visiting my Eastern State Penitentiary gallery. I'm very, very impressed by the quality of your work. Your photos are simply breathtaking. Keep it up!

Howard Sandler14-Nov-2004 14:15
I've bookmarked you so I can come back and study your images in detail. A level to which I aspire.
Sergey Korolev31-Oct-2004 10:08
Dear Zane,
Thanks for visiting and commenting my galleries. You are certainly a master. My favorite of yours is "Last Light Gallery". Thanks again!
Besati27-Oct-2004 14:02
Many thanks for dropping a comment at my gallery. Hey you've got plenty of stunning pictures here and you've been to many places. People like me thousands of miles away can only sit in awe in front of the computer and enjoy your brilliant images. Save you in my favorite list and I'll be back to check your updates.

Guest 13-Oct-2004 22:39
thanx for looking at my stormy sunset, .. your galleries are amazing!! thanx for sharing them all with us!! .. 'm'
Bill Scull03-Sep-2004 05:06
Zane good job on the Alaska pictures - some real good ones - I expecially like the ones you pull into your favorites.
Guest 25-Aug-2004 23:46
Dang, you're good !
Gerwyn Gibbs23-Aug-2004 13:07
I've dropped into your very extensive gallery, not for the first time, and I have commented on many of these images on dpreview. However, I have not been visiting that forum as much as I used to. Thank you very much for taking the time to visit my gallery and leaving comments, you may be pleased to know that the majority of the seascapes you have commented on are to be published in the British Digital Photo Magazine.
I now do most of my posting on, and I'm sure your work would get a warm welcome from it's members.
photokhan27-Jul-2004 17:57
Hi Zane!
Thanks for you comment on my "Twin Bridge" photo. I am still more grateful, as it is a compliment coming from someone with such strong aesthetically charged view.
Your photos are awesome and I quickly added your name into my "favorite artists" list. It will take a while to fully appreciate you wonderful work. I'll keep dropping by.
Mansour Mouasher27-Jul-2004 03:07
Beautiful galleries, magnificent images, very expressive!
Guest 24-Jul-2004 03:44
Great galleries Zane! Thanks for displaying so much beauty for everyone to see, and of course they are all magnified by your talent and passion. I am glad you returned to photography.
Susan T06-Jul-2004 22:28
Impressed, absolutely inspiring.
Thank you, Susan T
Mansour Mouasher18-Jun-2004 01:53
Thank you Zane for your kind words. You never fail to inspire and motivate me to explore new and challenging avenues in photography.
Your site is a real winner.
Arjun Roychowdhury06-Jun-2004 00:06
Zane, I finally got to see your galleries today. They are really very impressive. If I were to select my favourites, they would probably be those at the Utah national park and Devil's ground. Thanks again for your insightful comments on my posts.

Guest 04-Jun-2004 15:49
. . . V Zane, Thank you so much for the kind comments you made on my photos. It's an honor to have someone of your talent leave behind some inspiring thoughts! Now if you don't mind I would like to share a few thoughts about your photos. To me, photography is about the essence of the composition. It's about telling a story without distractions. You have certainly done that without question. I particularly like 'Sunset at Gazos Creek' -- I just want to soak my feet and watch the sun set. Also like 'Sand Harbor State Park' -- can imagine myself sitting on the rocks and enjoying the cool air. Well done. Thank you again and please come back any time my friend. Cheers, B-Real
Gayle Lundquist 04-Jun-2004 05:06
Greetings from Carmel,

My husband John and I met you and your son at the Wave. There were a few of us there, I was the one who told you both about the small pond we discovered. The photos are sensational and I relive our visit through your photos and mine. It is one of our most memorable trips. I am enjoying all of your other galleries as well. Your truly are gifted. We too visited Machu Picchu. We spent the night there so we could have the opportunity to be alone on the mountain the following morning. This was back in the mid was busy but I hear it is very crowded today. What a magical place. Yes?

Guest 02-Jun-2004 19:42
Zane I don't say this lightly but you have an extraordinary talent, you are a true artist. It's going to take me some time to work my way through all of your galleries, but mark my words I will do it. I particularly like your London gallery and how you captured Tower bridge with that fantastic sky. I haven't yet come across an image of yours that I don't like.

Thanks for sharing your vision.


Guest 01-Jun-2004 10:29
Absolutely inspirational work Zane. Thanks for the pleasure.
judy sidonie tillinger16-May-2004 03:42
Thanks for your kind comments.
Your work is wonderful and transporting. So many of the images go beyond being merely "good pictures" with great composition and color and have a depth of
understanding of place that is rare and a pleasure to see.
Your photographs of people, especially the wedding, make me want to know them.

Guest 14-May-2004 03:55
Hi Zane,
Thanks for stopping by my galleries and commenting. Now, I got a chance to visit yours and I'm at awe with what you have got here...Wonderful gallery after another...Very inspiring indeed. So many favorite shots to list. Keep up the good work. I'm sure will come back frequent.
Pedro Libório11-May-2004 21:09
yous work it is something special!
I just love it!
tomr-photos07-May-2004 22:47
Hi Zane. Thanks for visiting and commenting. I know I've said this before somewhere . . . I wouldn't be doing what I do if I could do something like what you've done. Thanks for allowing me to enjoy those "far away places" (for me, anyway). – Tom
Guest 24-Apr-2004 01:39
Interesantes fotografías
Gracias por compartirlas
Saludos desde España
Karl Schrader23-Apr-2004 20:11
I really enjoyed reading your synopsis, thank you - we share a similar background as well as camera and as evidenced by your creativity you clearly enjoy and have a fine grasp of this wonderful passion for photography.
Mansour Mouasher18-Apr-2004 05:14
Nice to hear from you again Zane! Thank you for re-visiting my albums. Spring is my favourite season for photography. I always enjoy checking your web-site to see what new treasures you have installed for us!
Warm Regards.
Marcel de Jong15-Apr-2004 07:15

Thanks for you kind comments on my photo's. It always means more to me when they come from somebody who clearly has shown through his work that he knows what he is talking about. I loved your personal favourites gallery and will check out some of the rest in the near future.


Guest 14-Apr-2004 04:04
Wow!! Beautiful pictures. It looks like you've been all over! I live in Utah and sad to say I haven't made it to some of those places. I had best change that!
Stan Richard13-Apr-2004 16:55
Zane, you are an artist, great images. Thanks. Stan
Jeff Cochran10-Apr-2004 18:32
Hello, I enjoyed your photos.Thx for sharing. :)
Guest 10-Apr-2004 14:26
Thank you so much for visiting my gallery, now I'm trying to discover yours: it will take a little time!
Beautiful travel images, often similar to what I intend to do in my trips.
I'll watch them carefully in the future.
Bye. Andrea
Anna Pagnacco10-Apr-2004 14:21
Thank you so much for visiting my gallery so I had the chance to discover yours.....
Very beautiful travel images....I will come back again soon .Anna
Guest 06-Apr-2004 03:19
Thank you for yor comments in my gallery. I love you Southwest trip gallery especially, so many great shots. The rest are good as well, can't wait to see more!
Brussels Sprout30-Mar-2004 21:54
Thanks for visiting my galleries and leaving enjoyable comments.
Wow! I am impressed by your pics.
The Peru galleries, together with the West National Parks & the Mexican stairs are extraordinary.
alexeig28-Mar-2004 10:29
Many thanks for visiting my galleries and for leaving comments. This gave me an opportunity to discover some of your galleries, you have many amazing shots and you visit exciting places. I shall definitely come back

Keep a good work

Guest 27-Mar-2004 03:25
Hi Zane... thanks for your compliments on my Arches gallery. Your words mean alot, especially after viewing the collections in your galleries - they are incredible! I hope to continue to improve my photographic skills... I think continuing to veiw your work will give me much inspiration. I'll be sure to leave comments (and/or questions) on individual images as I continue to view and admire your work. John
Zane Paxton19-Mar-2004 09:01
I love to travel and see new locations as much as I can! Thanks for the kind comments.
Guest 19-Mar-2004 07:27
Top notch work.I was wondering where your favorite location to shoot has been cause it's hard to tell. You seem to love them all equal!!
Guest 17-Mar-2004 06:05
Thanks for visiting my gallery. I am flattered to have received comments from a great photographer like yourself. Your pictures are stunning! I'll come back often to check out your new work.
Guest 15-Mar-2004 10:00
I love your work and places where you have been and so well captured.
My favorite is your trip trough Utah,Colorado and Arizona parks.
I've been there many years ago, and they are magic places, and you did a darn good job there. I must go back because I missed the wave (do u need special permits to shoot there?)and I went to Canyon de Chelly (Haven't u been there?).
Anyway my compliments for your work, every galley has wonderful images.
Mansour Mouasher13-Mar-2004 15:57
Congratulations on a job well done. Wonderful set of pictures, amazing quality, beautiful colors and expressive composition!
Vinay26-Feb-2004 01:28
Thanks for being the first to leave comments in my guestbook and for the kind words on my pictures. Your galleries are truly amazing. Some of your pics are truly stunning! Thanks again.
Guest 25-Feb-2004 02:20
So glad you left a comment in my gallery. It gave me an opportunity to visit here. Wow!
I am so envious. I would have liked to have shot your pictures. They are wonderful.
iayestaran23-Feb-2004 17:44
I'm joining the ranks on thanking you soo much for visiting my galleries and showing me the way to yours. Your comments mean even more after seeing your amazing work. You have a great sensitivity for light, color and composition. Thanks again!!
Guest 25-Jan-2004 15:07
Hi, Zane
Thank you for your visiting my gallery and comments.

Enjoy photography life,
Guest 23-Jan-2004 09:29
Muy Interesantes, extraordinarias fotos.
Brian Klimowski16-Jan-2004 17:49
Keep up the great work, Zane! (an thanks for your latest comments...appreciate it!)
If it ever snows this winter in northern Arizona I hope to capture some of this wonderful landscape in a very different 'light'...we'll see!
Adalberto Tiburzi12-Jan-2004 16:54
Zane, I discover your existence now. I am amazed staring at the mexican staircase. Almost fainted. When I recover I'sure go on browsing your site.
Regards, Adalberto.
Stephen Lau12-Jan-2004 07:21
Zane, you have amazing eyes for light, shape, and pattern. I think that is what they called photographic eyes. I really enjoy your galleries, especially the Late Light and the Mexico Stair series. Wonderful work and thank you for sharing.
Mansour Mouasher05-Jan-2004 19:47
Thank you Zane for visiting my site "Jordan Photo Galleries" and for taking the time to express your comments.
I enjoyed browsing through your web pages. Fantastic shots indeed!
Shari05-Jan-2004 05:29
Thank you for commenting on my gallery. I am so glad I visited yours! You have some amazing photographs. I will visit again. Keep up the great work! Shari
Dias dos Reis22-Dec-2003 22:21
Hi Zane,

Incredible as it may seem I had never came across your galleries.
You have immense talent and I'm really impressed by your strong images.

I'll be back, o.k.?

Greetings from Portugal,
Zane Paxton18-Dec-2003 06:06

Thanks for the comments. The southwest is such an amazing place; I want to go back for more and more...
Guest 18-Dec-2003 03:16
Hi Zane

Thank you for putting the comments in my gallery. I had a 10 days trip in southwest around this thank-giving. I visited 6 national parks, lake powell, lake mead and antelope canyon. I am still processing these images I took from the trip. Your comments are always appreciated.

By the way, I even don't know Vermillion Cliffs Area, Utah. the images( the wave ) that you took there are marvellous.

Neill 10-Oct-2003 19:50
What a wonderful treat! Thanks for sharing. Have you checked out a piece of software called "photovista"? It is great for knitting together digital photos of panoramic shots. Neill...
Bill Scull 09-Oct-2003 05:43
Zane, I looked at all your Southwestern picture boy are they beautiful! There are quite a number that are worth printing and hanging. Thanks for sharing the images. I'll look forward to seeing the prints on your walls.

I noticed that in a few of your shots that include sky especially 3 or 4 in the Bryce Canyon album have odd hortizontal lines in the sky probably from using Gausian blur on the sky to get rid of noise.
Zane Paxton08-Oct-2003 15:12
Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed them!
Guest 08-Oct-2003 08:50
Your work is a great inspiration, thanks for sharing!
Naturephoto Monique02-Oct-2003 19:06
What a site filled with beauty everywhere.I am really very impressed.
Best Regards, Monique
Bill 28-Jun-2003 07:30
Zane, the latest ones are great. The flamengos were wonderful.
Dean 21-Jun-2002 01:10
Hey zane, dean your cousin here...from up in alaska.. nice stuff.... sony cybershot?? interesting... good color saturation... any photoshop? or just straight? i have been using the mavica with the cd... i like it ..but 2.1MP is having some limits...

great stuff good eye, too bad i missed the reunion this year.... like the shot of the ranch house...

well for now take care,

Maiyim Baron 19-Jun-2002 05:02
WoW, Zane, these are awesome. What a lot of work you put into making this beautiful site to share too! Many thanks and blessings, your sister-in-love.
Mark Krauss 18-Apr-2002 01:20

You have a gifted eye for form and color. These photographs are terriffic and I can't wait to see more.

Lj 13-Mar-2002 02:43
Wow! Zane - in all the years we've known each other, I thought I knew most of your amazing talents. Didn't know you were such an evocative and exquisite photographer. I'm awestruck by each and every shot! - Lj
Zane Paxton13-Mar-2002 01:15
Not too many Zanes wandering around, but thats not me in Tenessee.
Lee 12-Mar-2002 12:40
Great pics, Zane. Are you the Zane that went to the U of Memphis?

Zane Paxton12-Mar-2002 08:09
Guest 11-Mar-2002 16:07
Thanks for sharing. They are simply amazing.