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Jim Coffman's Recent Galleries

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14-Mar-2025 14:55
Woodland Scenes
gallery: Woodland Scenes
21-Dec-2020 23:34
Anything and Everything
gallery: Anything and Everything
19-Dec-2020 19:37
Images of Nature
gallery: Images of Nature
16-Dec-2020 21:36
gallery: Bella
06-Dec-2020 15:15
Mountain Streams and Rivers
gallery: Mountain Streams and Rivers
14-Nov-2020 17:05
Birds and Fowl
gallery: Birds and Fowl
24-Oct-2020 20:06
Smoky Mountain Memories
gallery: Smoky Mountain Memories
15-Oct-2020 13:48
Autumn In Illinois
gallery: Autumn In Illinois
07-Jul-2020 13:58
Smoky Mountain National Park
gallery: Smoky Mountain National Park
28-Feb-2020 14:36
Winter Blues Gallery
gallery: Winter Blues Gallery
25-Feb-2020 12:56
A Simple Leaf
gallery: A Simple Leaf
22-Feb-2020 15:02
Close Encounters Of The Best Kind
gallery: Close Encounters Of The Best Kind