13-Aug-2011 19:38
:: Seabirds ::
13-Aug-2011 12:24
:: Intaka ::
08-Aug-2011 17:59
![Kgalagadi June 2011](https://a4.pbase.com/g4/18/437418/3/137075360.8s72mn5p.jpg)
:: Kgalagadi June 2011 ::
31-Jul-2011 08:17
:: Vultures ::
30-Jul-2011 08:48
:: Egrets ::
30-Jul-2011 08:43
![Weavers and Bishops](https://a4.pbase.com/g4/18/437418/3/136816078.ngWpZZjw.jpg)
:: Weavers and Bishops ::
30-Jul-2011 08:39
![Grey Heron](https://a4.pbase.com/g4/18/437418/3/136816046.pSgSdxDx.jpg)
:: Grey Heron ::
28-Jul-2011 18:09
![Bustards & Korhaans](https://a4.pbase.com/g4/18/437418/3/136783728.gHNHlata.jpg)
:: Bustards & Korhaans ::
28-Jul-2011 17:32
:: Kites ::
27-Jul-2011 20:16
:: Goshawks ::
27-Jul-2011 20:14
![Black-chested Snake Eagle](https://a4.pbase.com/g4/18/437418/3/136762606.WuEOwknC.jpg)
:: Black-chested Snake Eagle ::
27-Jul-2011 20:12
:: Bateleur ::