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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2007 > pbase Dessert L1000062.jpg
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pbase Dessert L1000062.jpg

Last night, we celebrated with dinner at Alfornos, one of the best resturants in RI!
Vacaton starts on June 5th..

Alfornos is a five star resturant that asks you to order dessert at the time of selecting your dinner so
they have adequate time to prepare. What a wonderful meal and company!

This was unbelievable fantastic lemon cake..

Leica D-Lux 3
1/10s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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ewa toll01-Jun-2007 19:33
looks delicious !
Jackdad01-Jun-2007 04:29
nice to see a restaurant that has a different attitude to puds - all the ones round here let their most junior/trainee chefs prepare them and the results are sometimes unhappy. ;-) great shot.
Sue Roberts31-May-2007 22:02
i love the beginning of summer!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography31-May-2007 19:04
Sweet shot :)
Karen Leaf31-May-2007 15:17
more so :)
Guest 31-May-2007 14:32
I really want that with my coffee right now!
Guest 31-May-2007 13:41
So nice! V
Katie Chew31-May-2007 13:12
Looks yummy.
Guest 31-May-2007 11:47
I love those kinds of places - and I have a weakness for desserts! This looks great.
Guest 31-May-2007 10:26
MMMmmmmm,looks terrific.
Sheila31-May-2007 09:08
Unbelievably fantastic shot!